QHSE Policy

Quality, Health, Safety, and Environmental (QHSE) Policy 

QHSE Policy Statement of CROSS Zlín, as

The further development and prosperity of our company depends on a satisfied customer, who will be sure of the stability and required quality of our products and services, as well as the abil-ity to respond quickly to his requirements. Professional staff maintain constant contact with customers to ensure their current and future requirements.

The management of CROSS Zlín, as undertakes

•    that it will create, implement and improve an integrated management system in the ar-eas of quality management, environmental management and the management system of safety and health protection at work as a tool for the permanent support  of its goals and interests
•    that the quality of products carried out in accordance with the principles of safe work, with a gentle approach to the environment and the fulfillment of all legal and agreed requirements is part of the company's strategic management
•    will create the necessary resources for the maintenance and further development of the integrated management system
•    will enable the improvement of the professional and language knowledge of its employ-ees by participating in professional and language courses and trainings in the country and abroad
•    take measures necessary to prevent pollution and, where this is not possible, reduce pol-luting emissions and waste production to a minimum.
•    Take measures for a preventive approach by assessing risks and taking measures to minimize them in order to reduce the likelihood of injury or damage to workers' health
•    to ensure that the processed information is sufficiently protected against unauthorized manipulation and that it is always available to all parties who should have access to it
•    to ensure the management of information in such a way that the integrity, confidentiali-ty and availability of this information are not compromised
•    to ensure compliance with the contractual requirements of customers in terms of in-formation protection and to eliminate risks related to information security by appropri-ate measures

The management of the company expects from its employees

•    so that all workers at all levels are aware of their responsibility for the quality of their work
•    unconditional respect and observance of all principles for ensuring production quality, environmental protection and occupational safety and health protection at work speci-fied in the documentation of the integrated management system
•    active cooperation in improving the company's management system

In the relationship between CROSS Zlín, as and the company

in the area of the implementation of the work, we will discuss openly and on a professional ba-sis in cooperation with customers, suppliers, public administration authorities the issues of cor-rect technical solution, economy, impact on the environment, occupational safety and health protection at work.
Fulfillment of the Integrated Management System Policy is based on experience in production and implemented parts for road transport and highly qualified workers. In order to achieve a high technical level of our products, we cooperate with a number of specialized domestic man-ufacturers and foreign companies. The above-mentioned policy of the integrated management system of our company is intended to move the existing good level of our products to a level corresponding to current European trends. The policy of the integrated management system of CROSS Zlín, as is available to all interested parties at www.cross-traffic.com .

Ing. Tomáš JUŘÍK
company director